Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Guess Who I'm Inviting to Dinner Makes the Huffington Post!
After having a conversation with my mom about what we were going to serve for Passover this year, the discussion switched over to politics and the fact that I've been receiving lots of emails from Barack Obama and one in particular that invited me to have dinner with him. And so, I instantly became inspired, mustered up all my Jewish shtick and decided, wouldn't it be nice to have him over for Passover. So within minutes, I whipped up a post, sent it to the Huffington Post and they published it instantly. Sometimes, when divine inspiration is on your side, the words literally fly off your fingertips. So click here and enjoy and I'll let you know if the senator and his family come a knocking on our door!
barack obama,
huffington post,
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Horton Hears a Who - A Feldman Family Review
While most of America is off celebrating Easter, we're doing what most Jewish families do on this special holiday - we hit the movies! Today we checked out Horton Hears a Who and while I initially thought it would be too young for my movie savvy kids, I have to say, it was a really good movie. I loved the fact that Steve Carrell and the hilarious Seth Rogan are in the film along with Jim Carey, Carol Burnett, Jonah Hill and Jesse McCartney. I also think that Dick Van Dyke was the narrator but the kids had to hit the bathroom at the end so I couldn't stick around to watch the end credits.
The animation studio that created Horton is Blue Sky Studios, a production company based in Westchester, NY - how cool is that and the same masterminds behind Ice Age - which means this movie is a total winner - from the colorful characters, incredible scenery and distinctive voices, we found ourselves laughing right along with our kids to the far fetched Dr. Seuss tale of an elephant who becomes convinced he's hearing voices from the mayor of a tiny city that's the size of a speck.
If you haven't gone to see Horton Hears a Who yet, trust us, this one's a must-see for the entire family. And, we also have some preview picks that we definitely plan to check out once they hit theaters. Top of the list includes: Ice Age 3, that new Kung Fu Panda movie starring Jack Black and Nim's World starring Abigal Breslin and Jodie Foster. We also saw a preview for Speed Racer - which I know my son is going to love and Wall E - which is from Dreamworks but to be perfectly honest, I have no desire to see a movie about a robot again. Let's just admit that Star Wars by far had the best robots - there's no reason to try to create a better robot movie because to be honest, it simply can't be done.
So that's it for the Feldman family movie review hour. Don't miss Horton and have a Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A Conversation with My Five Year Old
"Mommy, when I grow up I want to live in a mansion."
"Wow, that's great Dylan, can I visit?"
"Sure, and I'm also going to buy a car that's a convertible."
"Really, and what exactly are you going to be when you grow up?"
"Oh, that's easy, I'm going to work in a supermarket."
Hopefully he's talking about owning a chain of supermarkets, otherwise he's going to have to work a ton of hours as a bagger or cashier to buy that mansion!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Role Mommy Tip of the Day - How do Get a DVD Player on the Fritz to Work?
I'm sure you've been there. Your child is about to slip in his favorite DVD and watch a two hour movie and you're excited because you're about to have at least 90 minutes to get some work done. But here's the thing. The DVD player isn't working and while your husband keeps trying to press every button he can find, he can't seem to get it going. So he calls in reinforcements.
"Beth, can you fix the DVD player?"
"Sure. What seems to be the trouble?"
"It won't work and I don't know what else to do - I've pressed every button and has turned the damn machine on and off like five times."
"Let me have a look."
Within 20 seconds, I've diagnosed the problem. A disc that has two long scratches and a fingerprint smudge. While I can't fix the scratches, I put a little saliva on my finger, rub my sweater on the disc 4-5 times and voila, it works!
So to fix a DVD player, all it takes is a little spit and a piece of clothing you're already wearing. What does it cost? Nada. No go out and have a happy Sunday, on me.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Review of New Musical, "In the Heights"
We just had the chance to see a brand new musical that, in the words of my husband - a true theater aficionado, is "way better than Rent." Click here to visit Role Mommy Recommends and find out about "In the Heights." Then buy a ticket and judge for yourself!
Question of the Day - Can you legally adopt a monkey?
The discussion in the car this morning drifted to an important topic. Can we own a monkey and if so, is it legal to do so?
After consulting Google, we happened upon a website that says that if you live in New York City, then no, you cannot legally own a monkey. However, if you reside in New York State, then the laws governing ownership of a monkey are much more lenient so you may be able to actually adopt one and raise it as a pet.
Now here's the next question - where could you even find a monkey to adopt one and if you find one, can monkeys even be housebroken? Plus, I'm sure it costs a boatload to own a monkey - could we rent him out at parties and Bar Mitzvahs and re-coup our expenses? We already have a name picked out. Boynton - for the hippest senior citizen community near West Palm Beach Florida. Now all we need is a monkey. Or we can always stick with the stuffed variety - they're cheaper to buy and easier to clean up after anyway.
Is there a pet your kids are begging you to buy for them?
is it legal to adopt a monkey?,
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Meet the Founders of Meal Makeover Moms!
Today, Traveling Mom's Kim Orlando and I welcomed the founders of and they gave us some great tips on how to spruce up our hum drum meals for family and give our kids some healthy options to some of their fast food favorites. Find out about their great recipes, at home cooking parties and how they're food is kid tested and mom approved!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Daylight Savings Hangover
Daylight Savings totally did a number on me today. I am in a complete haze and no matter how many cups of coffee I drink, I can't seem to shake this nagging feeling of total exhaustion that has consumed my body. As I sit her on my couch writing and watching "Drake and Josh" and answering my son's umpteenth question of the day, all I want to do is take a nap - or find some cheesy 80's movie that I can fall asleep to without interruptions.
Before I had kids, I used to look forward to lazy Sundays where I had nothing on my agenda and would be content watching a movie marathon in my pajamas. But now that I'm constantly pulled in a million directions, there is no rest for the weary. I've got a one hour break before my daughter gets back from her gymnastics class and then we're off to the movies. From there, we'll grab a light bite for dinner and wind up in the supermarket before it closes so I can get milk and juice for the kids' breakfast tomorrow. Then it's bath time, pajama time, brushing teeth and lights out. Just thinking about the rest of the day makes me want to pass out.
That's it. I'm ditching Drake and Josh and hitting the living room where I can flick on the tube and get lost in another decade for the next 45 minutes. Nothing like a Brat Pack marathon to shake off the daylight savings blahs.
80s movies,
brat pack,
daylight savings time,
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Nobody Puts Swayze in the Corner
What a sad day today. I just heard that Patrick Swayze is battling pancreatic cancer. I truly hope that he caught it early and will hopefully beat this deadly disease. Swayze starred in some of my favorite films of all time (yes, I am lame, but it's true). From "Dirty Dancing" to "Ghost," Patrick Swayze was a fixture of 80's pop culture. Let's hope that he beats the disease. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
Our latest Blog Talk Radio Show!
Today we spoke with Alan Scofield, founder of The Story Home, a new website that has virtually taken off in 22 countries worldwide! Find out how this master storyteller is sharing his stories with internationally and how you can download his original tales for your kids too! Click on the Blog Talk Radio link above and listen in!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Moms of Reinvention Event at the White Plains Library

If you missed our last event, here's a fun outtake of one of our "What's in Your Purse Giveaways" - attendees received products from Swiffer, Johnson & Johnson bath products, MomAgenda, Simon & Schuster and of course, Role Mommy - with us giving away our signature I Need A Playdate and I Don't Do Cupcakes t-shirts. We'll be featuring video from the event in the coming days and we've got our next Moms Night Out event planned for March 26 featuring diet, weight loss and fitness experts and authors. For more information, Click Here.
Our latest Blog Talk Radio Show!
Today on our Blog Talk Radio show, Traveling mom, Kim Orlando and I welcomed Lisa Dames, a mom of two who is a budding country music artist who is traveling nationwide in a minivan to promote her music. Lisa is literally driven and she shares how she reinvented her life while raising kids and has managed to instill in them the notion that anything is possible as long as you pursue your dreams! Click on the logo above and listen in!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Childhood Is Calling...Great Website for Kids and Parents!
Was watching a Cocoa Krispies commercial tonight and at the end the spot, a website called popped up. So I did what any Pavlovian parent would do...I grabbed my laptop and went right to the website and I have to's great! It's got all kinds of online games, activities and recipes you can create with your kids featuring Snap, Crackle & Pop. My son, who is a Cocoa Krispies fanatic, had a blast playing on the site, making music with spoons, winning a matching game and creating an outfit he was able to print out on our computer. Who knew that cereal has the potential to become the new Webkinz?
childhood is calling,
cocoa krispies,
Friday, February 22, 2008
The Cosbys, Valerie Bertinelli, The New Earth and Rick Springfield! All on Oprah!
Just kicking back today watching "Oprah" and remembering why I loved her show when I used to watch it way back when. She gets the best guests - today it was Sean Combs and Phylicia Rashad who star in "A Raisin in the Sun." Watching Rashad made me realize how much I used to love to watch her on "The Cosby Show" - she truly was the ultimate working mom way back when. And then, Sean Combs talked about the importance of family over money. Hey, P. Diddy, you're a really cool guy.
Next there was a preview for a show featuring Valerie Bertinelli - can't wait to see that one considering I joined Jenny Craig when I found out she lost 40 pounds on the weight loss plan (I've lost 15 so far). Then, they mentioned Rick Springfield will be on and he'll be singing "Jessie's Girl" - I am so there.
Next up, they just mentioned their Oprah book pick, A New Earth which is at the top of the best seller list. All kinds of celebrities are raving about it. I guess this is the 2008 version of The Secret so it's obviously going to sell a gazillion copies. For more details on all the great stuff coming up on Oprah, click here.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Great book for Single Moms!

So you thought you found Mr. Right the first time around and it turned out he was Mr. Wrong. If you're a single mom with young kids, the last thing you might be thinking about is getting back in the dating scene so before you hit the bars, hit Barnes & Noble instead and buy Why Hasn't He Called?
This new book by dating coach Matt Titus and his wife, Emmy award-winning television reporter Tamsen Fadal, shares the secrets of the boys club - cutting through the games that men sometimes play when they fail to call you after a date and offering great tips to find the right guy in places you frequent on a regular basis. Who knew that Whole Foods was packed with eligible bachelors, but according to Titus and Fadal - that's a prime location to find the catch of the day. There are many more tips packed in the book including Tamsen's favorite products that will transform your look from hum drum to hot mama so check out this book today and check out Matt and Tamsen's website, - which offers tips to singles and couples on how to keep the spark alive in their relationship.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Celebrity Supernanny!
Just found out that singer Wendy Wilson is opening her home to America's favorite Supernanny, Jo Frost tonight on ABC. It seems the mom of four found her older kids regressing when she gave birth to twins and was in need of an expert to get things back in order at home pronto before she and sister Carnie went out on tour. If only Britney Spears family had called Jo instead of Dr. Phil, things could have turned out a lot differently.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Role Mommy & Traveling Mom on Blog Talk Radio
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Five Bite Diet...Nutrition Expert for DietTV Weighs In
Yesterday we told you about the Five Bite Diet - where you take five bites of whatever you want at each meal in order to lose weight. Even though it sounds great - like any other diet - this one is too good to be true, says Toby Amidor, director of nutrition for
Amidor, who rates current diets and assesses their nutritional value for Diet TV, gives her take on the new bestseller, Why Weight Around? Here are Toby's three top concerns about this revolutionary eating plan that encourages you to give into your guilty pleasure as long you keep your splurge down to five bites at each meal:
- You are not learning healthy dietary habits - eating whatever you want can get out of control! Once you have lost the weight, you'll be eating your regular fast food meal again and gain all the weight back - plus some.
- This 5-bite rule is trying to find a way to control portion sizes, but I would encourage more than five bites of fruits or vegetables (ie. salad) or any other nutrient-rich, low-calorie or unprocessed food.
- What are you supposed to do with the rest of the food after you have taken the five bites? This shows the exact point that there is an obesity epidemic due to the over availability of food in this country that is mass produced.
So would you still give five bites a try? The Golden Arches were calling my name when I first heard about this diet, but I have a feeling I'll be saving my special visits to Mickey D's for road trips. That's my weight loss rule - when you drive out of state and hit a McDonald's the calories you consume don't count. And that's why I'm not a weight loss expert.
five bite diet,
nutrition tips,
toby amidor
Role Mommy Book Review...Rebel Without a Minivan

Here at Role Mommy, we pride ourselves on finding great books for busy moms to read. For the most part, when we receive a book that we love, we instantly write about it (or we eventually write about it when we have a free moment). So when this new book arrived with its adorable cover, we were completely bowled over the moment we started reading it.
In Rebel without a Minivan, the fabulously gifted syndicated humor writer Tracy Beckerman shares an incredible collection of essays on what it's like to be a former city slicker living life in the burbs with her two kids, husband and a dog. No matter which story you select, you'll find yourself laughing out loud and completely relating to Tracy's identity crisis as she leaves a television career behind for the road less glamourous - living in a town filled with soccer moms, loads of laundry and minivans. While there are dozens of humor books available today about moms juggling the demands of family, Rebel without a Minivan is a gem and a Role Mommy must-read for anyone in need of a good laugh! Click on the Amazon link today to buy a copy and visit Tracy's website, Lost in Suburbia to sign up for her weekly column. Tracy has also been a contributor to Role Mommy for many years and every time she sends us a story, she has us rolling in the aisles!
new book,
soccer moms,
tracy beckerman
Suze Orman and the Oprah Touch
It's good to be a friend of Oprah. After the talk show queen announced on her show that free copies of Suze Orman's new book "Women & Money" would be available for download on, over one million viewers went to their computers and did just that. Oprah is truly the modern day Midas. She endorses a presidential candidate and suddenly, he's leading in the polls. She selects a favorite book and boom! It's on the NY Times best-seller list.
Why is it when you get an Oprah endorsement people sit up, take notice and buy whatever she recommends? If only Peeing in Peace made the O List!
suze orman,
women money
Nobody Puts the Feldmans in a Corner
Last night, we decided to take our kids out to dinner with us on our usual "date night." Our son had just been diagnosed the day before with strep throat, so rather than risk infecting his grandma, we took the pair out with us to somewhere new. One of my "in the know" mom friends recommended this restaurant on her website so I figured, even if we had to drive 40 minutes to get there, it still would be worth the trip.
When we arrived, we were told there would be a 35 minute wait, even though I had called earlier and they said we wouldn't have a problem getting in. And so, while the kids whined about the fact that they were "starving," we took a seat near the bar and ordered a pizza while we waited to be seated.
To keep reading, click here.
Role Mommy Article of the Day
It seemed as if last week was the "let's get to know Michelle Obama" media blitz. Now here's an article in this week's issue of Newsweek that talks about the difference between working black mothers who have worked all their lives and have not struggled with the concept of work/life balance as much as their white counterparts. It also touches upon Obama's strong personality and questions whether her strong and direct approach could undermine or help her husband's campaign.
What do you think? Will Michelle Obama help seal the deal for Barack or does a potential first lady have any effect on which way you'd vote?
barack obama,
michelle obama,
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Success, Leather Couches & Procrastination

I don't know why I procrastinate. I just do. If given the choice to head into my freezing cold office to write something scintallating, that spells right, has proper grammar and will make people laugh, I will most likely think of 15 other things I can be doing at that moment before planting my butt in a chair and hunkering down. Frankly, the older I get, the more I get sidetracked.
I'm supposed to be writing an essay about what it's like to be a successful female entrepreneur but I've been procrastinating on that assignment the moment I landed it. What does it mean to be successful? Hmm. Successful is as successful does. (thank you Forrest Gump). Do successful people work in basement offices with space heaters and get yelled out by their DH every time they forget to take the plug out of said space heater after a long day procrastinating? To keep reading, click here.
Secrets of a Writer Mama by Joanne Rendell

People often ask me how I’ve managed to write and sell two novels while a.) being a stay-at-home mum, and b.) being at stay-at-home mum with a four year old son who is homeschooling/unschooling/not-bothering-with-that-whole-school-thing and therefore is always by my side…or thereabouts. Well, if any of you’re interested or crazy enough to want to try such a motherhood-meets-author lifestyle, here’s five insights and tips:
1. rearrange traditional sleeping schedules – I have managed to train Benny into sleeping incredibly late in the mornings. In fact, he gets up at noon. Yes, noon! This means, of course, that he also stays up late at night. Now, I know a lot of mother’s would shudder at the thought of their children staying up beyond nine because they need their “me” time with a glass of wine and watching The Late Show without the whines of “mama” ringing in their tired ears. If your such a mama, this sleep routine might not be for you. However, if you can stomach it and you can train your child into enjoying The Late Show and pouring your wine for you, I’m telling you there’s a whole lot of writing you can do between 8 and noon every morning while Sleepy Head is still in the world of Z’s.
For more of Joanne's tips, Click Here.
Just Call Me Wing Mom...Great Post in Today's Boston Globe
What do you do when your friends are newly divorced and you're still married with pacifiers in your purse?How can you handle the bar scene and what would you do if someone tried to pick you up?
Check out this editorial in today's Boston Globe which shares one woman's story about her uncomfortable experience going out as a "Wing Mom" while her friends mined the joint for men.
What would you do if someone hit on you while you were with your single friends?
New Weight Loss Plan We Can Stomach...The Five Bite Diet

While cruising around this morning we found out about a new diet that we actually might try today while we're on the run with our kids. The Five Bite Diet, is a new revolutionary plan of a weight loss doctor who released a new book called Why Weight Around? The approach is simple - eat five bites of whatever you want at any meal and then after a while, you'll lose weight! That means if you're at McDonald's today, you can eat 3 bites of a quarter pounder and 2 bites of fries and then slurp down an entire diet coke (gotta love fountain soda). If you're having pizza, then five bites of a slice and you're set. Key Lime Pie - you guessed it - five bites - for a meal and that pie is your breakfast. Of course, after the fifth bite you might be craving a sixth, but put down that fork and give it a try!
I always marvel at my incredibly fit daughter who manages to eat a morsel of her favorite foods but stops eating when she's full (usually after five bites) and then gets busy with one of her favorite activities. Maybe that's the answer - I'm hitting the deli today for five bites of a hot dog with mustard and sauerkraut! To return to our home page, click here.
diet coke,
five bite diet,
french fries,
weight loss
Friday, February 15, 2008
News You Can Use...Just in Time for Vacation
Just received a fabulous email from the folks at Disney. If you're headed to the land of the Floridian mouse next week (this year we are spared), then visit Finding Dulcinea , a really cool site that offers web guides to a variety of destinations but this time around, Disney has prepared their very own guide just in time for vacation season. No need to lug around a big book, just click on the link, print out what you want and take it along. And if you don't have time to click - my biggest advice on Disney is MAKE RESERVATIONS!!! Do not leave your kids hanging because you didn't sign up for character breakfasts, the hoop di do review and many more. Safe travels!
finding dulcinea,
News You Can Use...Get Human!
Frustrated because you can never get someone on the phone when you're trying to call the phone company, the bank or your credit card company, well, just visit Get Human and you can get some inside tricks on how to get a human on the phone instead of an automated response that'll keep you on hold for hours. A little tip though...try this link later - we think the website crashed because it was getting too much traffic today. Nothing like not getting a human when you're trying to get human!
credit cards,
Get Human,
phone company
Shameless Plug...Role Mommy's Next Event

Visit Role Mommy Events for more information today and you can even watch our last event with bestselling authors Jane Green, Gwendolen Gross and editor Pam Dorman! February 27, 7-9 pm at the White Plains Library. And if you're a mompreneur who would like to get the word out to our attendees, please send me an email at
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Oy Vey, Jane Fonda
Here's an oops, did I say that? moment. Jane Fonda said the "C" word on the "Today Show" this morning. Not because she meant to curse, she was just using it in a sentence about the play Vagina Monologues and wound up inadvertently mentioning one of the words you're not supposed to say on TV. NBC and Fonda apologized immediately for the slip of the tongue. What did you expect...if you're talking about the Vagina Monologues, it's not like there are too many words you can use to describe it. Take a look and tell us what you think.
Michelle, My Belle
As a publicist/writer I am hereby tipping my PR hat to the press manager for Barack Obama. And let me tell you why. Just as the chips are down with Hillary Clinton, they start pumping up the volume on another working mom who clearly has the spirit, moxie and drive to stop team Clinton in their tracks. Her name? Michelle Obama. Today's NY Times had an incredible profile of Mrs. Obama and from the looks of it, she scored a home run. While her husband won't tip his hand about selecting Hillary as a running mate, his wife seems more skeptical and won't endorse her so quickly.
When it comes to Role Mommies, Michelle Obama is quickly approaching the top of my list. While her kids come first, she is a voice of inspiration for working women everywhere. It is okay to achieve incredible things in your career - just don't forget about your children along the way. No matter how insane her schedule is, she still has time for her #1 priority...her kids.
I don't know much about Michelle Obama but from what I've seen so far, I'm going to really like her if she makes it to the White House. If you want to find out about Michelle Obama, then watch the video below, or to return to Role Mommy, click here.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Free Printable Valentines
If you are like me, then you haven't had a chance to buy Valentine's Day cards for your kids' teachers, friends or close family members. Well, have no fear. If your child's class party is tomorrow and you need to bring 23 cards to their nearest and dearest classmates, all you need is a color printer, a computer and the following Valentine's Link. Here you'll find free cards you can print out in time for Valentine's Day. So before it's too late, get cracking and create some cards. Your child will thank you for it! On a side note, you can always take a really cute picture of your child (see shot on left), insert it on a piece of paper, type in Happy Valentine's Day and call it a night...pick your poison - and have a great day!
last minute gifts,
printable cards,
valentines day
Check Out Mommy Madness on!
If you haven't checked out this web show yet, you don't know what you're missing. This is hilarious (and eerily similar to my own life...just kidding).
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Raffle Ticket
Is it just me or have kids become obsessed with gambling? Or is it just my kids? Let me explain. Whenever we go to the diner, my son and daughter beg me to shove 50 quarters into "the claw" and inevitably, we never win anything. You can watch that metal thing swaying in the lucite box with tons of stuffed animals crammed inside just there for the taking and no matter what my kids do, they never win.
Another thing we never win - raffles. I must have spent hundreds of dollars on raffle tickets over the years and no matter how you slice it, I've never won a single prize. A few weeks ago, my kids even had me spend 20 bucks on raffles for games they already have and they were stupefied to discover they had lost...again.
But here's the icing on the cake. I don't mind if I'm the one buying the raffle tickets or wasting my hard earned quarters on The Claw, but I do I draw the line when my kids have been given money to spend at the Valentine's Day boutique and they proceed to hand over $10 to some woman selling raffles and she willingly takes the cash from them without another adult present. Click here to keep reading.
Interesting Facebook Tidbit...

Will the Real Mike Huckabee Please Show His Face on Facebook: If the election were held tomorrow on Facebook, Barack Obama would be the President hands down. Obama has over 500,000 Facebook friends while his next closest competitor, Hillary Clinton has only 110,000+. The Republicans don't even come close - John McCain has approximately 58,000 members and Mike Huckabee is trailing behind with approximately 40,000 supporters. We initially found two other Mike Huckabees and really felt bad for the candidate at first since one of them only had 58 friends and the other one has eight. Good to know those two Facebook imposters are not the real Mike Huckabee! To return to Role Mommy, click here.
Diet Coke & Splenda Can Make You Fat!

According to two separate studies, it turns out that drinking soda and using artificial sweeteners actually make you fatter . Before you kick your Diet Coke and Splenda fixation cold turkey, Rolemommy spoke with Toby Amidor MS, a registered dietician and director of nutrition for, who offers advice on what you can do to replace your current sugar substitutes.
Sweeten your drinks with fruit. "If you crave flavored drinks, then have a seltzer with lemon, lime or orange. You can also sweeten your water with fresh fruit like sliced apples or pears. The sugar will be absorbed in the water and the calories are minimal."
Cut back to one can of diet soda per day. "In addition to hindering weight loss, caffeinated diet soda can leech iron and calcium from your body. Since anemia is the number one deficiency among women, it is important to limit your intake of diet soda to 12 ounces daily. Also, drink de-caffeinated beverages since caffeine depletes your body of major vitamins."
Be careful of beverages fortified with vitamins. If you think reaching for a can of Diet Coke Plus or vitamin water is the answer, then think again. If you're already taking a multi-vitamin, Amidor warns that these beverages "could lead to over fortification and can increase toxicity in your bloodstream."
Just a spoonful of sugar. "When you use artificial sweeteners, they are 300-400 times sweeter than regular sugar and actually increase your cravings for sweetness. If you won't drink plain or natural fruit flavored water, then use a teaspoon of brown sugar or drink an herbal tea with a natural sweetener."
Will this latest news convince you to cut out diet soda and artificial sweeteners for good?
diet coke,
new study,
No More Writers Strike! Now Where's my McDreamy?

Now that Hollywood writers are going back to work, when do we get our shows back?
All we can say is Hallelujah. While we are addicted to reality shows, it's a personal thrill to know that the gang from Grey's Anatomy will be back on the air again soon. Actually, if you thought you'd be able to flip on the tube and see a new episode of Grey's, or Desperate Housewives or CSI, well, think again. It's going to take writers a minimum of four weeks to write a script and then it'll take at least another month or two to actually see it on television. Translation: You won't be seeing your favorite comedies or dramas until at least April or May and we're not going to see the typical 22 shows for the season - it's now chopped down to 14 or 15.
Thankfully, the networks are currently running new episodes of The New Adventures of Old Christine, Lipstick Jungle and Cashmere Mafia, and we even caught a fresh episode of Brothers and Sisters this weekend, but if you're hoping to see your faves come back soon, you might want to take up reading. To return to Role Mommy, click here
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Yes We Can...Check Out this Inspiring Video
After reading one of my favorite blogs on the net, Mom-101, I totally related to her flip-flop on who she was going to vote for in the primaries. I, for one, did make the last minute switch to Obama and while Hillary did take New York, I've been quite inspired to see state after state rally behind her competitor as he inches closer to capturing the nomination. As Obama gains momentum, Hillary's campaign seems to be in free-fall as her campaign manager, Patti Doyle Sollis just resigned from her post. Things I'm sure are getting stressful in the Clinton camp but as you can see from the video below (which I found on Mom-101's recent post and had to share because it's so amazing), Obama fever is sweeping across this nation - he's rallied actors, musicians, politicians and everyday Americans like you and me, by promising change and offering Americans hope for a brighter future. And that's what it's all about...standing behind a candidate who will make our nation a better place for our children.
Great Storytelling Site for Kids...The Story Home

The Story Home
Hannah Montana Movie Review

Finally managed to take my kids to the "Hannah Montana" movie and surprisingly, the theater wasn't even filled to capacity - what a difference a week makes. While I was secretly excited to watch the concert, in hindsight, I should have left my five year old son home with his dad so I could bop along with my daughter and her friend. Instead, my kindergartener tagged along with two of his friends and the boys proceeded to have a popcorn fight because they were bored out of their minds.
But back to the movie. The film is decent - interesting to see how the whole show comes together, but here's the downside. They play a lot of new songs that we had never heard and some of the ones I actually did know (and liked) didn't even make it in the movie. I have a feeling they're holding onto their extra concert footage for the Hannah Montana 2 movie but either way, they should have put the best stuff in the original film.
All in all, the movie experience was okay - the 3D glasses were fun and it was kind of cool to see Miley Cyrus standing right in fun of you without 10,000 screaming girls that we would have had to contend with had we actually been able to buy concert tickets. So if you haven't gone to the Hannah Montana movie yet, my advice is to wait until it comes out on DVD or if you and your daughter want to have a Girls Day Out, then great...just leave the boys at home...for your own sanity!
Hannah Montana movie review,
Friday, February 8, 2008
Lipstick Jungle...Sex in the City for Moms?
I was all excited to watch NBC's Lipstick Jungle last night--hoping it would be a more Mommy-centric Sex and the City. I was sadly disappointed. Sure these women are incredibly stunning andlead fantastic lives, but lots of moments bugged me after watching theshow, I've detailed them for you:
The kids running around the bedroom and the cat puking on the bed was totally authentic, but do real power women wear lingerie to bed and look Brooke Shields gorgeous when they wake up in the morning? Thinking: no.
Has a hot younger man ever written his phone number on your thigh ... in permanent marker? Please. But if so, please put his number in the "comments" below.
Is Andrew McCarthy supposed to replace Mr. Big? Sorry Andy, you're no Chris Noth.
What's Wendy's (Brooke Shields) fascination with muffins? Do we need to know that she can stuff her face with cakes, champagne and muffins and still have a killer body? No.
I think I'll give Lipstick one more week, and I may even buy some sexy lingerie to get into the mood. To return to Role Mommy, click here.
brooke shields,
lipstick jungle,
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