According to two separate studies, it turns out that drinking soda and using artificial sweeteners actually make you fatter . Before you kick your Diet Coke and Splenda fixation cold turkey, Rolemommy spoke with Toby Amidor MS, a registered dietician and director of nutrition for DietTV.com, who offers advice on what you can do to replace your current sugar substitutes.
Sweeten your drinks with fruit. "If you crave flavored drinks, then have a seltzer with lemon, lime or orange. You can also sweeten your water with fresh fruit like sliced apples or pears. The sugar will be absorbed in the water and the calories are minimal."
Cut back to one can of diet soda per day. "In addition to hindering weight loss, caffeinated diet soda can leech iron and calcium from your body. Since anemia is the number one deficiency among women, it is important to limit your intake of diet soda to 12 ounces daily. Also, drink de-caffeinated beverages since caffeine depletes your body of major vitamins."
Be careful of beverages fortified with vitamins. If you think reaching for a can of Diet Coke Plus or vitamin water is the answer, then think again. If you're already taking a multi-vitamin, Amidor warns that these beverages "could lead to over fortification and can increase toxicity in your bloodstream."
Just a spoonful of sugar. "When you use artificial sweeteners, they are 300-400 times sweeter than regular sugar and actually increase your cravings for sweetness. If you won't drink plain or natural fruit flavored water, then use a teaspoon of brown sugar or drink an herbal tea with a natural sweetener."
Will this latest news convince you to cut out diet soda and artificial sweeteners for good?
I'm a diet coke and splenda junkie all the way. No study will convince me to quit!
I have been a 7-8 can and sometimes bottle of Diet Coke drinker a DAY for nearly 10 years. My health over the last two years has not been good. Extreme headaches and migraines, joint pain, jitterness, fatigue and overall just feeling like crud. People can say that sugars, arificial sweetners, caffeine and other ingredients are not addicting or bad for you, but when your body tells you something, it's time to list. I have shared my whole story on my blog, www.dietdrinkaddiction.com and how I broke that addiction in 5 days with no withdrawal symptoms at all.
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