Finally managed to take my kids to the "Hannah Montana" movie and surprisingly, the theater wasn't even filled to capacity - what a difference a week makes. While I was secretly excited to watch the concert, in hindsight, I should have left my five year old son home with his dad so I could bop along with my daughter and her friend. Instead, my kindergartener tagged along with two of his friends and the boys proceeded to have a popcorn fight because they were bored out of their minds.
But back to the movie. The film is decent - interesting to see how the whole show comes together, but here's the downside. They play a lot of new songs that we had never heard and some of the ones I actually did know (and liked) didn't even make it in the movie. I have a feeling they're holding onto their extra concert footage for the Hannah Montana 2 movie but either way, they should have put the best stuff in the original film.
All in all, the movie experience was okay - the 3D glasses were fun and it was kind of cool to see Miley Cyrus standing right in fun of you without 10,000 screaming girls that we would have had to contend with had we actually been able to buy concert tickets. So if you haven't gone to the Hannah Montana movie yet, my advice is to wait until it comes out on DVD or if you and your daughter want to have a Girls Day Out, then great...just leave the boys at home...for your own sanity!